  • Tiger XT VOC Detector

Tiger XT VOC Detector


The Tiger handheld VOC detector is a revolutionary handheld gas detection instrument for the rapid, accurate detection of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) within the harshest of environments.


The Tiger XT’s photoionisation detection (PID) technology has been independently verified as best performing on the market for speed, accuracy, resistance to humidity and contamination, thanks to its patented Fence Electrode Technology. Its patented Fence Electrode Technology and anti-contamination design ensures optimal performance within humid and heavily contaminated atmospheres, extending run time in the field. 


A robust VOC detector Tiger provides a dynamic detection range of 0 to 20,000 parts per million (ppm) with a minimum sensitivity of 0.001ppm (1 ppb), offering the widest measurement range of any other VOC detector on the market.


This handheld VOC detector has the fastest response time on the market of just two seconds and is just as quick to clear down. The instrument can be connected directly to a PC via the USB offering extremely fast data download capabilities.


Tiger has been designed for the safe replacement of batteries in hazardous environments. Long-life rechargeable Li-ion batteries give up to 24 hours of use. Fast battery charging allows the instrument to be fully charged in 6.5 hours, while 8 hours of use can be achieved from 1.5 hours charge. Low-cost filters and lamps can be easily changed in seconds, minimising instrument downtime. Inexpensive disposable parts mean the Tiger VOC detector has the lowest running costs on the market.


Upgradeable Features

The Tiger XT is fully upgradeable, allowing you to add further functionality if required. Upgradable features include Health and Safety mode, PPB Sensitivity, Data Logging, Single Log Only (Push to Log) and Multi Log Only. Tiger XT is fully upgradable without having to return the instrument to the factory.


Tiger XT brochure